

Game settings

- MaxDPS Assistant is compatible with both windowed and fullscreen modes. Graphics settings, spell visualization sliders, and other visual options do not affect the program's functionality.
- It is crucial to set the default values for brightness (50), contrast (50), gamma (1.0) and interface scale before proceeding. You can set these values by clicking the "Recommended" button in the game's System menu under the Advanced tab.

Setting up MaxDPS Assistant

- Upon first launch, MaxDPS Assistant will prompt you to select the World of Warcraft installation folder. This setup should be done while WoW is not running. Otherwise, the program will restart WoW.
- After selecting the game folder, MaxDPS will install an addon with a random name. This addon is necessary for the program to function and should not be disabled or removed.
- The MaxDPS Assistant main window will appear:

Configuring Button Assignments

- Assign the appropriate spell key bindings in the program to the corresponding buttons. You can use digits, English letters, F1-F12 keys, and combinations with modifiers.
- Avoid using punctuation marks, brackets, quotation marks, and non-English letters.
- If your abilities are assigned to the F1, F2, etc. keys, enter "f1," "f2," etc., into the corresponding fields in the program.
- If your ability is assigned to a keyboard shortcut, enter the first letters of each modifier key, followed by the button itself. For example, "c1" for Ctrl+1, "cs2" for Ctrl+Shift+2, and "casf3" for Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F3.

Program Operation

- Clicking the "Start" button will save the necessary settings to the game and reload the WoW interface. MaxDPS Assistant will then be ready for use.
- During combat, MaxDPS Assistant will monitor your character's abilities and activate them as soon as they become available. You only need to control your character's movement and target selection.
- All fields highlighted with a blue glow in MaxDPS Assistant must be filled in. Fields with a green glow and the field with question marks can be left blank.

Additional Buttons

Additional buttons are used to manually activate specific abilities that are not included in the program's rotation.
- Pressing an additional button will instruct MaxDPS Assistant to prioritize that ability and activate it upon the next global cooldown (GCD) expiration.
- The program remembers all additional button presses, including their number and sequence. If you quickly press multiple additional buttons, the program will execute them in the same order but after waiting for the GCD for each.
- Avoid pressing additional buttons repeatedly. Each press is treated as a separate command, which can disrupt the program's rotation.
- Additional buttons should be entered in the field under the question marks, separated by semicolons. For example, to enter the additional buttons "0," "Ctrl+2," and "Alt+F4," you would type "0;c2;af4" (without quotes).

ST/AOE Mode Control

By default, MaxDPS Assistant automatically determines the number of targets and switches between single-target (ST) and area-of-effect (AOE) combat modes accordingly. However, there may be situations where you need to manually switch modes.
- A macro has been added to toggle combat modes. Each press of this macro will cycle through AOE, ST, and Auto modes.
- Create this macro in-game, place it on an action bar, and press it whenever you need to change the combat mode. The macro code is:

/xy aoe

Replace "xy" with the first two letters of the program addon name. You can find the addon name and the macro itself in the program settings.

Pause Function

Press the Pause key on your keyboard to temporarily suspend MaxDPS Assistant. Press it again to resume operation. You can change the pause key in the Settings window.


Upon first launching the program, you will receive a free trial code valid for 24 hours. This allows you to evaluate the program's functionality and determine if it suits your needs.
After the trial period ends, the program will require activation.

To activate MaxDPS Assistant, enter the purchased code into the designated field and click "Apply." Restart MaxDPS Assistant to complete the activation process.

Please note that MaxDPS Assistant is linked to your specific computer upon activation. Once activated, the code cannot be transferred to another computer. If you plan to reinstall Windows, please ensure you have a backup of your registration code to reactivate MaxDPS Assistant after the reinstallation.

Healer programs can operate in both manual and automatic target selection modes. To toggle between these modes, use the macro:

/xy smode

Create this macro in-game, replacing the letters 'xy' with the first two letters of the program addon's name. Place the macro on the panel and use it as needed to switch the selection mode. The name of the program add-on and the macro itself can be found in the program settings.

Configure group member selection settings to the default: F1 selects your character, F2 selects the first member of the group, F3 selects the second, F4 selects the third and F5 selects the fourth:

To enable the program to deal damage in addition to healing, create the in-game macro:

/target focustarget

Place this macro on the panel. Enter the button assigned to this macro into the program's FT field:

Set focus (RMB on the portrait - Remember target) on the group member whose target the program should attack when healing is not required.

To use the programs in a raid, create 30 in-game macros:

/target raidX

Replace 'X' with numbers from 1 to 30. Place the created macros on the panels and bind them to buttons as follows:

- Ctrl + F1...F10 for macros /target raid1 .. /target raid10
- Ctrl + Shift + F1...F10 for macros /target raid11 .. /target raid20
- Shift + F1...F10 for macros /target raid21 .. /target raid30.

To customize macro bindings, click the icon to the right of FT.
Here are some known reasons why MaxDPS Assistant might not be working:

- Top left screen corner occupied by other addons: Move any addon frames that overlap the upper left corner of the screen. If the frames cannot be moved, disable the corresponding addons;
- Program addon is disabled or outdated: Check the "Load out of date AddOns" option. The name of the addon for each user is a randomly generated set of English letters. You can find it in the program settings;
- Incorrect game folder path in program settings: Verify that the game folder path specified in the program settings is correct;
- Spells not properly set in MaxDPS Assistant window: Ensure that all spells are correctly configured in the MaxDPS Assistant window;
- Changed contrast, brightness, or gamma settings: To restore the default settings, click the "Recommended" button in the Settings - Advanced menu;
- UI Scale enabled in the game: Uncheck the UI scaling option in the game settings;
- Graphics optimization or filters enabled in video card software: Disable any graphics optimization or filters enabled in your video card software.

If the picture starts to twitch after enabling MaxDPS Assistant in the game:

Enable Vertical Sync and Triple Buffering: Turn on Vertical Sync in the Settings - General - Vertical Sync menu and Triple Buffering in the Settings - Advanced - Triple Buffering menu within the game settings.